Prolapsed Hemorrhoids - Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Hemorrhoids can become prolapsed and protrude out of the anus or rectum if they go untreated for a long time or are put under increased physical strain. Prolapsed hemorrhoids are usually not painful, but they can cause discomfort, bleeding, and itching, making sitting, using the bathroom, and going about everyday life difficult.

Prolapsed hemorrhoids can often diminish on their own or with at-home treatment. Medical or surgical intervention may also be required when veins inside the rectum swell and burst out.

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Symptoms of Prolapsed Hemorrhoids

The following are the most prevalent symptoms of prolapsed hemorrhoids:

  • There may be a lump on the anus. It can be noticed when wiping after a bowel movement. This is the enlarged vein, which might be painful when touched, painful all of the time, or painless.
  • The skin around the anus may be quite irritated  in a  prolapsed hemorrhoid.
  • There is blood in the toilet, on the toilet paper, or even on the underwear. Typically, the blood is brilliant red and highly fluid. Blood from the stomach or intestinal bleeding is usually dark, black, or tarry in appearance.
  • Large prolapsed hemorrhoids can cause general discomfort as well as a sense of incomplete bowel evacuation, or the impression that the patient still needs to evacuate stool after a bowel movement. When the hemorrhoid is touched by a bowel movement or anything else, it may become tender. It may also be irritated by the pressure of sitting.

Hemorrhoids are uncomfortable, but they are not life-threatening, and they usually go away without treatment.

However, if the patient has any bleeding or black bowel motions, they should visit a doctor. Bleeding can be caused by a variety of things other than hemorrhoids, so it is important to get it checked out.

Causes of Prolapsed Hemorrhoids

There are some possible causes of prolapsed hemorrhoids, which are:

  • Squeezing the bowels hard during a bowel movement
  • Family history of hemorrhoids
  • Chronic constipation
  • Sitting for long periods of time, particularly on the toilet

Hemorrhoids are more likely to develop if someone does a lot of heavy lifting, are obese, or puts the body under a lot of stress.

Hemorrhoids can form if someone strains  a lot when having or trying to have a bowel movement, whether they are suffering from diarrhea or constipation, or if they spend too much time on the toilet. Hemorrhoids can also  be irritated by anal sexual activity.

Hemorrhoids are more likely to occur in women who are pregnant.

Treatment for Prolapsed Hemorrhoids

Most prolapsed haemorrhoids will shrink and return to normal on their own, but if the hemorrhoid persists, the patient may require at-home remedies, medication, or surgery.

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There are a number of medical options available for the patient’s treatment, including:

  • Topical ointments, over-the-counter (OTC)
  • Stool softeners (over-the-counter)
  • Stool softeners on prescription

Home remedies

The self-care measures listed below can help shrink or prevent a prolapsed hemorrhoid from worsening.

  • Apply cold packs to the affected area- Swelling can be reduced by icing the affected area.
  • Use a Sitz bath- A 10- to 15-minute soak in a warm bath which can help relieve pain.
  • No straining during bowel movement- Eat high-fiber foods and drink plenty of water to keep the stools soft.
  • Be active- Walking on a regular basis can help to improve blood circulation and prevent constipation.
  • Caffeine and alcohol should be consumed in moderation or not at all. Both of these can dehydrate and induce dry stool, which aggravates the hemorrhoid.

Surgical procedures

A prolapsed hemorrhoid that cannot be treated with more conservative treatments may need surgery  to shrink, eliminate, or reduce blood flow.

A rubber band ligation is the most typical method of treating a prolapsed hemorrhoid. It's a method of treating hemorrhoids that haven't responded to home remedies. To limit blood supply to the hemorrhoid, a rubber band is tied around the base of the hemorrhoid. As a result of this, the hemorrhoid contracts.

Other possibilities include:

  • Sclerotherapy- It is the injection of a substance into a vein that causes it to shrink.
  • Coagulation- Infrared radiation is used to cut off blood supply to a vein, causing it to shrink.

A prolapsed hemorrhoid can be tied off or removed with surgery, which is a more intrusive procedure. If the prolapsed hemorrhoid is not responding to alternative treatments, surgery may be required.

  • PPH- Stapled hemorrhoidectomy is another name for PPH. The doctor will relocate the hemorrhoids and cut off their blood supply with a stapler-like device. They'll shrivel and perish if they don't get any blood. It can be used to treat hemorrhoids that have prolapsed or slipped out of the anus. The patient will also heal more quickly and have less bleeding and itching. There are also fewer difficulties in general.

Prevention for Prolapsed Hemorrhoids

Avoid straining during bowel movements to prevent or alleviate hemorrhoids. Additionally, try to drink more water. Drinking plenty of water can help keep the stool from becoming overly firm.

To avoid hemorrhoids, go to the bathroom as soon as there is sense that  a bowel movement coming on. To avoid constipation, exercise often and avoid sitting for lengthy periods of time, especially on hard surfaces like concrete or tile.

Fiber-rich diets can help to reduce the chance of having hemorrhoids in the future. Dietary fiber comes from a variety of sources, including:

  • Brown rice
  • Whole wheat
  • Oatmeal
  • Pears
  • Carrots
  • Buckwheat
  • Bran

Dietary fiber helps the intestines build stool bulk, which softens the stool and makes it easier to pass.


Lumps on the anus, soreness, itching, and bleeding are the most frequent symptoms of prolapsed hemorrhoids. These symptoms aren't life threatening, but they might make it difficult to do things like sit and go to the bathroom.

Hemorrhoids can prolapse due to a high-fat/low-fiber diet, dehydration, lack of physical exercise, diarrhea, constipation, abuse of anti-diarrhea drugs, old age, and pregnancy. Treatment may include self-care measures, drugs, treatments, or surgery, depending on the severity of the hemorrhoid.

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