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Bone & Joint Health
Bone & Joint Health
Institute of Orthopedics at Apollo Hospitals is a comprehensive state-of-the-art facility catering to the entire spectrum of care from prevention to rehabilitation. Apart from 24×7 care for accident victims the Institute focuses on helping individuals get back to normal from the entire range of orthopedic conditions.
Joint Health is today a major contributor to the disease burden in the Country. Joint injures and degenerative joint disorders are impacting the socio-economic fabric of the country. Apollo Hospitals has launched a special program to provide succor to those suffering from joint diseases.
Like all diseases prevention is the best option. Regular exercise, weight control and minimising straining of joints can help prevent joint diseases. Early diagnosis and management is the next best alternative. Individuals must seek medical help immediately on onset of symptoms like joint pain and restricted movement of the joint. At this stage simple Physiotherapy and muscle strengthening exercises may stop further progress.
If the disease has progressed further simple arthroscopy with injection of cells – a revolutionary process called Regrow – can help in restoring the joint function. As awareness of joint disorders is increasing arthroscopy is today the most commonly performed procedure. In the early stages of degenerative join disorders particularly in the relatively younger age groups arthroscopy with appropriate intervention has become the standard of treatment.
Joint replacement surgery is performed where the joint disease has progressed to an advanced stage particularly in the elderly. This procedure reduces joint pain and restores mobility.
Maintaining Joint Health helps preventing debilitating joint pain and restricted mobility ensuring optimal quality of life. For more details contact your orthopedic surgeon.